Thursday, January 16, 2014

VIDEO: Convert Who Left Islam Relates Radicalization in German Mosque

A young German man, who converted and then left Islam, relates how he was told in a mosque in Bonn to practice beheading young chicks to be prepared for the future, when Muslims will cut off the heads of Jews.

Notice how this young man in the video speaks of the "commerce of Allah":
"I sell my soul and my possessions, and in return I get the Paradise. I fight for Allah, and kill and will be killed." (This is nearly a direct quote from Quran 9:111.)

Contrast this satanic transaction with the economia of Christianity:
Jesus said to His disciples, "Make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon, that when you fail, they may receive you into an everlasting home" (Luke 16:9).

Another parable of the economy of Christian salvation is found in Matthew 25, the Lord's Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. When the cry goes out at midnight, "Behold the Bridegroom is coming! Go out to meet Him!", the foolish virgins, running out of oil to bring with their lamps, are instructed to "go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves" (v. 9). 

St Seraphim of Sarov, in the wonderful Conversation with N. Motovilov, relates that the economy being spoken of in this parable is the Acquiring of the Holy Spirit. He relates how all the Christian practices we perform, from prayer, fasting and almsgiving, to works of mercy, intercessions, prostrations, and any good work "prepared beforehand for us to do," must be done out of love for and for the sake of Christ, and in so doing, we acquire the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit which is the oil for our lamps in the parable. This is the true and salvific transaction, the commerce of the True God.

Thank God this young man realized his error, and fled the demonic commerce of Islam. May he be brought to a knowledge of the truth!

Convert Who Left Islam Relates Radicalization in German Mosque
The Clarion Project — January 16, 2014

A young German man, who converted and then left Islam, relates how he was told to practice beheading on young chicks to be prepared for the future.
