Sunday, January 19, 2014

Challenging Mosques: Tools for Education and Legal Resistance

In Islam, mosques are more than meeting places for Muslims, analogous to a church building. They are also frontier outposts, and key to expanding Islam into new territories. Studies over the last fifteen years consistently show that 80% of all mosques in the United States promote jihad, Islamic supremacism, and the replacement of the U.S. Constitution with sharia law.

To learn more about mosques, see my article Challenging Mosque Expansions — The Time Is Now, which links to many important resources, and also this post, Book of Jihad (in the Vast Majority of Mosques in America).

I also highly recommend that you purchase, read and share The Mosque Exposed, a thin but powerful and well researched book which presents Islamic theology, history, and modern practice regarding this overlooked and underestimated aspect of stealth jihad and the Islamic threat.

But beyond reading articles and books to educate ourselves, what can we do?  Thankfully there is now real, practical assistance for English-speaking citizens.

Is there a mosque coming to your neighborhood, or is a current mosque expanding? Are you having parking problems on your street due to mosque attendance? Are your concerns being ignored and dismissed by zoning committees and neighborhood councils?

Perhaps Mr. Gavin Boby can help.

Gavin Boby is a planning and zoning attorney in the United Kingdom, and is now making his services available to concerned citizens in the United States, Canada and Australia. You can learn about Mr. Boby's highly successful work and about his Law and Freedom Foundation in the article, Mosques are the Battleground of the War Between Islam and the West, by Enza Ferreri, which also includes a must-watch video of a zoning meeting for a mosque expansion that is a real eye-opener.

Watch Gavin Boby's video about his professional services below, in which he discusses what happens to a neighborhood when a mosque moves in, and visit his site, to contact him if you need help resisting a mosque development or expansion in your area.

This is one of the most encouraging developments in our struggle yet, a practical, legal approach that works at the grass roots level using local zoning laws.

To request Gavin Boby's help in resisting a mosque application, fill out the online form here.