Monday, February 20, 2012

The Spiritual Power of the Holy Fathers

In my email correspondence with Deacon George (Yury) Maximov, friend and co-laborer of Priest-Martyr Daniil Sysoev of Moscow (†2009), Deacon George wrote me the following admonition which we all can heed:

I believe it's better for people to read the words of the holy fathers than words of mine or other unholy man. Because through reading the holy fathers' words they can come to taste true Orthodoxy and feel God's presence. You know, one of my missionary students in Moscow told me this story. She speaks about Christ with one muslim. He doesn't agree and he was very emotional. Then she starts to read him the words of holy fathers about salvation just in the Lord Jesus Christ. And he became quiet and said: "I agree with this." It was a miracle. He changed in a moment, just due to the words of holy fathers. 
Yours in Christ,
deacon George Maximov