As we continue to celebrate the Birth of the Son of God in the Flesh, here is a soaring homily by St Gregory the Theologian, which should encourage all Christians to cling to Christ, to stand firm in the True Faith, and not to assent to the voices of antichrist who preach the "Same God" heresy.
May we be found steadfast when He, Jesus Christ the Lord, returns in glory! Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!
On the Nativity of Christ
By St Gregory of Nazianzus, Another City, December 25, 2017:
Christ is born: glorify him. Christ comes down from heaven: go out to meet him. Christ descends to earth: let us be raised on high. Let all the world sing to the Lord: let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad, for his sake who was first in heaven and then on earth. Christ is here in the flesh: let us exult with fear and joy—with fear, because of our sins; with joy, because of the hope that he brings us.
Once more the darkness is dispersed; once more the light is created. Let the people that sat in the darkness of ignorance now look upon the light of knowledge. The things of old have passed away; behold, all things are made new. He who has no mother in heaven is now born without a father on earth.
The laws of nature are overthrown, for the upper world must be filled with citizens.
He who is without flesh becomes incarnate; the Word puts on a body; the invisible one is seen; the intangible one is touched; the timeless one makes a beginning; the Son of God becomes the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and for ever.